
Aussienomics was created by Dr Justin Pyvis. It was originally launched in 2009 but entered hibernation for nearly a decade as life and other projects took up my scarce time. Here's a snippet from the original 'About' page, which still applies today:

"Aussienomics was established to provide a source of alternative thinking with a particular focus on current economic, political and social issues in Australia.

Every attempt will be made to ensure that the commentary and suggested solutions are profound yet simple, intuitive and practical. Economic analysis on this site will be founded in realism and will hopefully help both the layman and professional alike to understand real world problems and provide real world solutions."

My goal is simple: to try to understand what's unfolding in Australia by taking an insightful, nuanced perspective – no hysterics or sensationalism. Just well-researched economic commentary grounded in facts, delivered two to three times each week.

What you should expect

By subscribing to Aussienomics, you'll get access to insightful economic analysis and be part of an engaged community of like-minded readers. Around half of what I write is available free of charge, with the rest behind a paywall. As a paid subscriber, you'll also enjoy:

  • Access to original commentary around 3 times per week on the latest economic developments in Australia.
  • Ask questions and suggest topics for me to cover. I'll do my best to address subscriber questions in future posts.
  • Join a community of readers interested in discussing the most important issues in Australia. Converse in subscriber-only comments.
  • Enjoy access to the full archive of posts, so you won't miss a thing.
  • Support independent economic commentary in Australia. Your subscription allows me to keep producing high-quality analysis!

That kind of work tends to take a lot of time, which is why I have to ask for a small subscription fee to read certain articles. My hope is that you will derive enough marginal value from what I write to support this project with paid subscription; win, win!

Get to know the place

If this is your first visit your best bet is to browse the most recent posts on the main page, or use the search bar🔍 in the top right of this page to look for key words you're interested in.

I'm obviously biased but you should also subscribe to the newsletter, even if it's just the free plan – your subscription is what makes this site possible, and allows Aussienomics to continue to exist. Thank you!

For the geeks

Aussienomics is written in Markdown using the open source Ghost, with emails delivered by Amazon SES. The website is served by BunnyCDN and is hosted by Magic Pages in Austria. All payments are processed securely by Stripe.