
Friday Fodder (28/24)

Friday Fodder (28/24)

The Olympics are here, but are they worth it; it's time to stop flogging the greedflation horse; why real wages haven't risen; the future of AI; nuclear is back everywhere except Australia; and an accidental experiment in geoengineering.
10 min read
Lady walking past Hong Kong departure gates.

Friday Fodder (27/24)

Did we ever really have neoliberalism; inflation is in a sticky spot; Hong Kong is just another mainland city; where are the female managers; Biden will not win another term; and it's not too late for nuclear.
8 min read
Lobbyists feasting at the trough of a Future Made in Australia.

Friday Fodder (26/24)

A Future Made in Australia is a lobbyist's wet dream; social media age limits are based on junk science; we're not as wealthy as we think; inefficiency in Japan; zoning reform isn't enough to fix the housing crisis; and why the UK's most distorted election in history is a win for democracy.
7 min read
Biden stumbling during the first debate with Trump.

Friday Fodder (25/24)

Is an incapacitated Joe Biden still better than the alternative; why politicians lying to people can be dangerous; the diminishing returns to AI (implications for investors); gig workers meet unintended consequences; and Fahrenheit 451 down under.
11 min read
Team USA players celebrating a win over Pakistan at the T20 cricket World Cup.

Friday Fodder (24/24)

Which parts of Australia are the most (and least) productive; why rate cuts are a long way away; immigration and success; woke AI is pretty boring; and neoliberalism is a victim of its own success (but beware what comes next).
7 min read
Friday Fodder (23/24)

Friday Fodder (23/24)

Queensland's Budget shows why we need fiscal rules; how households have fared since the pandemic; dictators and their hidden wealth; what Bootleggers and Baptists mean for climate targets; and Europe swings to the right (or did it?).
6 min read
Friday Fodder (22/24)

Friday Fodder (22/24)

Assessing Australia's March quarter GDP figures; why productivity is still everything; how opinion polls can be dangerous; and where are all the Korean babies?
6 min read
A happy looking PNG rugby league side.

Friday Fodder (21/24)

Why we shouldn't worry about migration; interpreting the monthly inflation figures; will AI displace financial market traders; should we worry about the 'pink tax'; and Albo's gift, on our behalves, to PNG's elites.
8 min read
Friday Fodder (20/24)

Friday Fodder (20/24)

The federal government wants to create a big new database to protect us from ourselves; who would an autonomous vehicle choose to save, a pedestrian or its passengers; a tale of two central banks; and the UK election in one chart (it's not looking good for Rishi).
7 min read
Friday Fodder (19/24)

Friday Fodder (19/24)

Biden's tariffs are a glimpse into our Future Made in Australia; the Americans are an innovative bunch (no wonder they're so productive); who benefits from the welfare state; the post-pandemic war on prices; and how the Jevons Paradox is shaping artificial intelligence.
7 min read