
Politician holding a goose that lays golden eggs.

Husic is right about the corporate tax

Ed Husic's call for genuine corporate tax reform could boost investment, raise wages, and drive economic growth. But do we have the political willpower to get it done?
8 min read
Death by a thousand links

Death by a thousand links

Facebook leaving Australia shows that the media bargaining code backfired. The government misdiagnosed the problem and harmed consumers while benefiting the big media companies. It's time to cut our losses, accept that the code was a mistake, and focus on real solutions to support local media.
8 min read
The need for tax reform

The need for tax reform

We desperately need tax reform in this country and fixing bracket creep for good would be an excellent feather for Chalmers to put in his rather empty reformist cap.
9 min read
Albo's stage 3 backflip

Albo's stage 3 backflip

I'm honestly not sure why Albo was willing to risk so much political capital on a relatively small distributional change just to get his very own Oprah moment. But the whole stage 3 tax cut song and dance is a recurring sideshow to a much, much deeper issue: bracket creep.
9 min read
Does money make you happy?

Does money make you happy?

Ah, the age-old question: does money buy you happiness? The general consensus is yes – to an extent. For example, surely
4 min read